Expanding the AI database

North East Innovation Lab: Expanding the artificial intelligence system's database by providing reference microorganisms

The Microbira project supports new artificial intelligence techniques to diagnose infection and improve patient outcomes.

The system uses artificial intelligence (AI) to quickly detect and identify infective microorganisms such as bacteria and clinical yeasts which cause human infection and disease.

Examples include E. coli O157 which can cause outbreaks of sickness after consumption of contaminated food/water. 

In collaboration with the microbiology department at Newcastle Hospitals, the innovation lab focused on expanding the system’s database by providing over 500 isolates of reference micro-organisms. 


Marianne Ismail, chief executive officer of Microbira Ltd, said: “The innovation lab didn’t just provide a database service which is critical for the whole process, the team gave us practical advice on the use of our system….”

Click below to read the full article from NHS Newcastle & Tyne Hospitals Foundation Trust. 

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