Microbira at the 33rd ECCMID Copenhagen, Denmark 15-18 April 2023 annual conference

Marianne Ismail, CEO of Microbira had the opportunity to open the Diagnostics Pipeline Corner at the annual European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) held in Denmark. The ECCMID Diagnostics Pipeline Corner is a popular session type for small and medium-sized enterprises globally to showcase their ongoing research and products. Marianne presented the latest version of Microbira Advanced Analytical Platform – Infrared (MAAP-IR) and results from our ongoing collaboration with NHS North East Innovation Lab and other laboratories.

MAAP-IR is UKCA-marked as a software medical device for rapid identification of microorganisms. The software analysis spectra collected from an attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. Result are achieved within minutes from initial culture.

Visit our product page for more information on MAAP-IR.


More details on the Diagnostic Pipeline Corner can be found here.